About Us
Video Conference Mart a.k.a VCM is a one stop shop for online freelancing services.
- VCM enables users to buy, and sell freelancing services online.
- VCM service providers can provide non-conference and video conference services to consumers who are looking to purchase freelancing services for business and, or personal use.
- VCM makes freelancing a fun and enjoyable experience for both VCM buyers and sellers.
Video Conference Mart is Free to use. The only time users are charged a fee is when they sell a service. When services are sold VCM deducts 5% from the seller’s profit, and the other 95% is instantly transferred into the sellers PayPal account. Sellers can sell whatever services that they can think of as long as the product can be delivered using the tools provided by VCM.
A few examples of VCM services are: Logo designers, Graphic artist, accountants, web designers, music instructors, graphic designers, business consultants, music production, SEO, resume editors, therapist, legal advice, and so much more. VCM is user friendly and is also very hip and contemporary
Video Conference Mart is currently live. Sign up now to begin purchasing and selling your services.
Kindest regards,
Bryan Dixon. Co-founder and CEO